Customer Testimonials

“I have been known London General Insurance Agency last 10+ years and they are always same, great service, best premium to my business. They are the one of the best!”

Jim Boetel, Board Walk, Brea, CA

“I purchased life Insurance from them 31 years ago. I am still their client for Business & Worker’s Compensation too. I always refer London General Insurance Agency to my relatives & employees. Because of they are only trusted Insurance Broker for me.”

Sun Yang, True Light Painting, Irvine, CA

“London General Insurance Agency-All kind of Insurance with best premium-That is why I am insured with them all kind of my insurance needs at last 25 yrs. General Liability, Worker’s Compensation, Individual Life, Medical insurance, Personal Auto & Homeowner’s, etc.-Great service, best premium, professional advises, etc.-I love them very much.”

Mitchell Jin, Master Care Building Svs, Garden Grove, CA

“They advise me always about best valued product. Not just lowest premium one but better coverage, service, and company’s financial rating, etc. Because of incase of claim, I like to make sure get covered. They are really professional! That’s why my business is depending on them.”

Charles Choi, T-Shirt Wholesale Outlet, Fountain Valley, CA

“I couldn’t find any local California Insurance Broker writing Windstorm & Hail Insurance of my shopping center in Texas. But London General Insurance Agency wrote for me. It was very convenience work with local Independent Broker about out of state business. Thank you”

James Moon, Moon Plaza, Bakersfield, CA

“I’d say they do provide good rates. I got personal Renter’s, Auto Insurance and Business Liability insurance through them. Staff has been very helpful, and whenever I needed a copy of insurance cert, they always provided it within the same day.”

Yujin A. Los Angeles,

“The best place to buy insurance by far if you’re in the market. They have everything from Auto, Home, Medical, Health, Commercial, etc…. The staff is extremely helpful and friendly. They speak Korean, English and Chinese. I have been with them for a while now and I have zero complaints. The lowest prices you can find, since they shop around for you at bunch of different companies.”

Tim H, Irvine,

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